Apply for Netcare learnership 2022, Paramedic learnership at Netcare, or Netcare paramedic learnership 2022 through the Netcare learnership 2022 application form there is also Netcare learnership for unemployed youth open now Applications are also been done on Netcare careers website.
How to Apply For Netcare nursing learnership:
Formal nursing programmes
Click here to view the Prospectus
Application, selection and admission information
Thank you for considering Netcare Education as your Higher Education Institution (HEI) for nursing studies!
Netcare Education’s admission and selection criteria have been established on the premise of alignment to legislative requirements, the Netcare strategy and Netcare Education’s objectives, as well as the South African national strategies and directives on nursing and education.
Set in the context of South Africa where education is seen as one of the foundational mechanisms to support and drive transformation in our society, Netcare Education’s admission and selection criteria provide various opportunities to individual applicants that simplifies access to high quality education and training in private nursing education and the health care environment.
Nursing Learnership Now Taking People For 2022 -2023
The selection criteria aim to admit candidates for registration as nursing students for nursing programmes in the various accredited and registered programmes, who will be able to learn, develop and grow into quality health care professionals with the necessary support, supervision and guidance.
Netcare Education’s efforts will be on the provisions of academic and clinically competent, caring, compassionate and professional general and auxiliary nurses who can maintain a high standard and quality of nursing practice, and who will function effectively and ethically as an important stakeholder in the greater health care community of South Africa, and the world at large.
Netcare Education FNAH has 5 (five) Campuses in South Africa. They are registered as HEI’s with the Department of Higher Education and Training (DHET) and the new nursing programmes have been fully accredited with all legislative bodies is indicated below. Programme commencement dates will be in January of every year (*the Kwa Zulu Natal (KZN) campus is still in progress). Capacity is restricted in line with the determinations of the South African Nursing Council (SANC).
Netcare Education FNAH offers the Higher Certificate in Nursing Auxiliary (R169) (HC) and Diploma in Nursing (R171) (DN) at the following campuses:
Gauteng South West (GSW) Campus | Auckland Park | HC and DN |
Gauteng North East (GNE) Campus | Centurion | DN |
Western Cape (WC) Campus | Bellvill | HC and DN |
Eastern Cape (EC) Campus | Port Elizabeth | HC and DN |
*Kwa Zulu Natal (KZN) Campus | Umhlanga | Accreditation in progress |

Minimum requirements for entrance for all applicants please take note of the following:
Minimum requirements
National Senior Certificate that grants admission to a higher certificate/diploma programme as certified by the Council for General and Further Education and Training (Umalusi), or an equivalent qualification at a National Qualifications Framework (NQF) exit level 4 (four) with the following subjects per programme:
Higher Certificate in Auxiliary Nursing (R169) one year of study pitched at NQF 5
- English minimum 40% (forty percent)
- Mathematics or Mathematic literacy minimum 40% (forty percent)
- Life Sciences minimum 40% (forty percent).
Diploma in Nursing – General (R171) three year of study pitched at NQF 6
- English minimum 40% (forty percent)
- Mathematics or Mathematic literacy minimum 40% (forty percent)
- Life Sciences minimum 40% (forty percent)
- Computer Literacy at NQF level 3 (three)
- One other subject with a credit value of 20 (twenty) minimum 40% (forty percent) from the designated subject list as outlined in policy 751 of 2008 of the Department of Education.
Other criteria that will be considered:
Candidates who have successfully completed a relevant health-related qualification at NQF Level 3 (three) or 4 (four), for example as an Auxiliary Nurse (Reg 2176) or NQF Level 4 (four) as an Enrolled Nurse (Reg 2175) AND who have met the minimum requirements and institutional selection criteria, may be granted entry into the diploma programme,
Students who are older than 23 (twenty-three) years and meet the minimum requirements and NETED’s institutional selection criteria may be granted entry into this programme.
Please note the process of application and selection for 2022 will work as follows
- Application for Nursing is received at
- Applicants receive the link to the New Applicant Survey
- Applicants who meets the minimum entry requirements are invited to participate in pre selection assessments.
- Applicants who submits all required documentation and proof of payment, are then given a date for the pre selection assessment.
- The pre selection assessments are conducted at specific dates in order to select candidates for the different campuses for the next available intake.
- Results of the pre selection assessment is published to the applicant, but this is not a confirmation of acceptance or admission to the programme yet.
- Each Campus will select the number of successful candidates based on merit, the Economic Active Population (EAP) requirements of South Africa, and in line with the permitted numbers per intake by the South African Nursing Council (SANC).
- Once an adequate number of applicants have been selected, the campus will inform the successful applicants of their acceptance and arrangements for registration and admission to the specific programmes.
- Additional admission requirements for foreign/non-south African citizens
All non-South African applicants are required to submit the following list of original certified documents:
- A South African Qualifications Authority (SAQA) evaluation certificate of their highest school certificate and other qualifications
- A study permit to study at NETED from National Department of Home Affairs, and/or
- A foreign workforce management letter of endorsement to study from the Department of Health (DOH)
- The legal document/s in case of documents bearing different names e.g. a marriage certificate or affidavits to that effect
- SANC license to practice as a nurse for a foreign nurse (where applicable)
- A valid passport expiring not earlier than 6 (six) months after the projected completion date of the programme
- A valid refugee status document, or a valid asylum seeker document
- Legislative requirements as per the individual programme requirements
- The hospital letter of permission to study must be from the hospital endorsed on the SANC or DOH documentation where indicated.
To apply use the below link
Click here
Education and training
Who we are
Netcare Education, a division of the Netcare Group, is regarded as one of South Africa’s leading private education and training institutions of healthcare professionals, both in nursing and ancillary health care and emergency medical services.
Netcare Education, a registered private higher education institution, comprises two faculties, with campuses in Johannesburg and Pretoria in Gauteng, Durban North in KwaZulu-Natal, Port Elizabeth in the Eastern Cape and Cape Town in the Western Cape.
The Faculty of Nursing and Ancillary Healthcare (FNAH) provides formal education and training in the fields of nursing and ancillary disciplines, and the Faculty of Emergency and Critical Care (FECC) provides formal education and training in the field of emergency and critical care as well as first aid training for members of the public.
How long is a nursing learnership?
A Nursing Learnership usually lasts from 2 years to 4 years, which includes about 2000 hrs of clinical practice.? The second year of study will focus primarily on scientific topics, however, these are also vital to the basics of nursing.
Does Netcare offer a diploma in nursing?
Successful completion of this programme leads to registration with the South African Nursing Council as a General Nurse.
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