SAEC South Africa welcomes eligible employees for the 2021 child employee bursary programme.
South Africa Energy Coal (SAEC) operates four coal mining operations across South Africa for both domestic and foreign markets. For children of SAEC employees who want to pursue their studies or those who study post-Matric, they’re qualified to receive a bursary to aid with their education. Children of SAEC employees have the chance to apply for a bursary to help them achieve their dreams.
Criteria for applying for SAEC Child Employee bursary Applications
The SAEC Child Employee bursary is a programme targeting the students who are children of SAEC employees. It is a private bursary by SAEC restricted to children of SAEC employees only. All applicants MUST fulfill the following requirements.
- They must be a child or children of SAEC employees
- The applicant must be currently in Matric or have completed Matric recently
- They must be enrolled in college studying toward a degree/diploma or actively seeking to be enrolled in college
- They are enrolled or intend to enroll in a HET –Higher Education Training Institution in South Africa.
The bursary covers:
- Tuition fees (full payment)
- Accommodation
- Books
- Meals
- Laptop
- Basic medical aid coverage for students who aren’t covered yet
Child of Employee Bursary Khutala (SAEC) Applications Requirements and Eligibility
The 2021 SAEC Child Employee bursary is open to all eligible students. Before applying, ensure you have the following documents as proof that your parent is an employee of SAEC and that you are a current student or planning to join a college in 2021. Your application will be rejected if you fail to attach all required documents.
- Your certified identification document
- Full tertiary transcript on letterhead if you are currently a student
- Evidence that you are a student in an accredited community college. Attach your registration form and it must be on letterhead
- Provide evidence that you are a child to a SAEC employee. SAEC’s administration has put in place protocols for proving the applicant’s parent relationship with a SAEC employee. However, you may attach prove documents like employee contract, employment letter, copy of work ID or current payslip.
- If you are in Matric, do a copy and attach your most recent school results statement in Grade 12
- If you have completed Matric, attach a copy of your final results
- If you are studying at Higher Education Training, attach a copy of your 2020 June academic record or progress marks
- Prepare and attach a short CV
NOTE: SAEC isn’t obligated to provide vacation work. However, SEAC may consider an applicant if it becomes necessary for them to obtain their qualification. There is also no work-back obligation for bursars after completing their studies.
How to Apply and Application Details
Applicants who qualify for the bursary can also apply online at Together with the accomplished form, applicants should also submit scanned copies of the above-required documents. Note that if you fail to attach even one of the required documents, your application will be rejected.
Use this promotional code KHTCOE21 for the purpose of tracking your application for this bursary programe.
Note the Closing Date
05 February Any applicant who will submit their application after this date will be rejected immediately. To be on the safer side, ensure you apply before this date.
For any issues related to the bursary applications, please contact Mr. Liyanda Mkhabo:
Contact Details
If you need further information concerning the SAEC Child Employee scholarship 2021, kindly visit, call or write to us.
CareerWise (Scholarship Administrator for South32 Khutala Colliery Scholarship (SAEC)) directly, Tel: 086100 7787, address: 3415 Plaas Cologne, Ogies, 2230, South Africa. Child of employee scholarship email: Mr. Liyanda Mkhabo:
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