Dear Covid-19 SRD applicant,
- Have you applied to SASSA for the Covid-19 SRD on their electronic platform,
- Did you get a notification that your application was rejected?
- Do you disagree with that decision?
If you answered “YES” to all 3 questions, you may, within 30 days but not exceeding 90 days, appeal SASSA’s decision to the Independent Tribunal for Social Assistance Appeals (ITSAA).
To do so, follow these steps:
- Double-check that the information you provided to SASSA, which is reflected on the SRD DSD Appeal Electronic Platform is complete and correct.
- Where necessary, update your contact information by clicking on this link. This is very important if your appeal is successful. If your appeal is successful the Independent Tribunal will direct SASSA to initiate the payment of the Covid-19 SRD directly to you and accordingly need to have your correct contact information.How Often R350 Grant Applicants Must Reconfirm For Grant
- After updating your information on the link provided, if applicable, click “Save” and thereafter you will be automatically redirected back to the SRD DSD Appeal website to continue to lodge your appeal.
- Appellants or their proxy will have to confirm that they have read and accepted the clauses in the Declaration and Consent Documents.
- Click “Submit” and look out for the confirmation message on the page that your application was submitted successfully.
- Please note, that an appeal application needs to be lodged each month where a person is rejected by SASSA, if in disagreement with the decision.
- How To Submit A New Sassa R350 Grant Appeal
Click here to lodge an appeal or check the appeal status
The Independent Tribunal will inform you of the outcome of your appeal electronically, within 60 – 90 days from the lodging of the appeal. For further assistance contact: Department of Social Development
Independent Tribunal for Social Assistance Appeals (ITSAA)
Private Bag x 901, Pretoria, 0001
Tel: 012 312 7727
Fax: 086 534 3124 or 086 216 371
More information
Due to the extension of the Covid-19 Social Relief of Distress (Covid-19 SRD) by the President for the period of 1 April 2022 – 31 March 2023, the Minister of Social Development has appointed persons as members of civil society of the Independent Tribunal for Social Assistance Appeals to consider and decide on appeals relating to Covid–19 SRD.
The Independent Tribunal is mandated to consider appeals in terms of section 18 of the Social Assistance Act, 2004 read together with the Covid-19 SRD Regulations, and will consider the appeal against the qualifying criteria as set out in the Covid-19 SRD Regulations. The Independent Tribunal will reassess the decision of SASSA against the available information at its disposal.
The Independent Tribunal will endeavor to finalize the appeal within 60 – 90 days from the date on which the appeal was received and inform the appellant electronically of the outcome of the appeal and the reasons thereof.
As the Covid-19 SRD is re-evaluated by SASSA and paid every month, to confirm that a person is still in need of the Covid-19 SRD, an appeal application needs to be lodged concerning each month where a person is rejected by SASSA. How commonly R350 provide applicants ought to Reconfirm For supply
The decision of the Independent Tribunal will accordingly only be in respect of the specific month to which the appeal relates. It is accordingly in your best interest to appeal as soon as you get a rejected notification from SASSA and not delay.
To consider the appeal application the Independent Tribunal will check and revalidate the various databases utilized by SASSA that may indicate income or alternative financial assistance, including the verification databases of insufficient means with banks.
Appellants are reminded that the income threshold for insufficient means, as contemplated in the regulations, is R350 per person per monthYou can obtain the status of your appeal on this website. Failure to lodge an appeal for each month that the Covid-19 SRD application was rejected by SASSA will result in the original decision being sustained.
The decision of the Independent Tribunal is the final decision and no further internal recourse will be available. If the applicant is not satisfied with the decision of the Independent Tribunal, the appellant may approach the High Court for judicial review as provided for in the Promotion of Administrative Justice Act, 2000 within a period of 180 days.
More information regarding the matter Find it here on the official srd sassa grant website
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